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2019 Vol.  39 No.  11
Published: 15 November 2019

1101 Analysis of the Current Tectonic Movement Deformation Characteristics in the Bohai Rim Region and Adjacent Areas
ZHAO Xukun;ZHANG Jun;LEI Qiankun;FAN Chengcheng
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1101-1105 [Abstract] ( 1208 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (8338 KB)   ( 1781 )
1106 Constraints on Coseismic Rupture Model of the 2017 MW6.3 Jinghe Earthquake from InSAR Data
SHI Heqing;ZHANG Zhanbiao;CHEN Yunguo;HE Ping;YUAN Shaowen
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1106-1111 [Abstract] ( 1136 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (11045 KB)   ( 1788 )
1112 Establishment of 3D Deformation Field by GPS-InSAR Data Fusion Method Based on Function and Stochastic Model
MA Yange;ZHAO Lihua;ZHANG Panpan;Lü Jianing
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1112-1117 [Abstract] ( 1152 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (7258 KB)   ( 1892 )
1118 Gravity Changes before the M4.5 and M4.1 Earthquakes in Zigui County
LIU Shaoming;HAO Hongtao;HU Minzhang
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1118-1121 [Abstract] ( 1149 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (9468 KB)   ( 1783 )
1122 Statistical Study on the Correlation Between Seismic Activity and Tides in Japan
ZHANG Han;XIE Chaodi;YAN Ruyu;LI Xiang;LIU Benyu;YU Haiying
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1122-1126 [Abstract] ( 1165 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (2228 KB)   ( 2123 )
1127 Estimation and Application of Optimized Extending Range to Reduce Leakage Error in the Antarctic by Means of Fitting Method
QIU Chunhong;FAN Dongming;GU Yanchao;ZHAO Hongbin;SU Chunpeng;YIN Heng
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1127-1131 [Abstract] ( 1039 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (6743 KB)   ( 2476 )
1132 Filtering of Strapdown Marine Gravity Data by Wavelet Threshold
WEI Jiancheng;XIAO Yun;WANG Li;MENG Ning;ZOU Jiasheng
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1132-1136 [Abstract] ( 1166 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (8257 KB)   ( 1863 )
1137 Research on Refinement of Tm Model in China’s Coastal Area Based on Fourier Series
LIU Lilong;WAN Qingtong;ZHOU Wei;HUANG Liangke;LI Junyu
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1137-1141 [Abstract] ( 1229 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3961 KB)   ( 1972 )
1142 Analysis of the Accuracy of Zenith Tropospheric Delay Calculated by ECMWF Surface Data over China Area
YAN Xiaoxia;LI Wei;ZHANG Baocheng;ZHANG Hongxing
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1142-1147 [Abstract] ( 1176 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (6481 KB)   ( 2228 )
1148 Study on Haze Prediction of BP Neural Network Incorporating GNSS Meteorological Parameters
ZHOU Yongjiang;YAO Yibin;YAN Xiao;ZHAO Cunjie
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1148-1152 [Abstract] ( 1235 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (5277 KB)   ( 2154 )
1153 Ionospheric Prediction of SSA Model Based on CMONOC GPS
SHI Kunpeng;GUO Jinyun;ZHANG Yongming;DI Wenqiang
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1153-1158 [Abstract] ( 1171 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (8312 KB)   ( 1993 )
1159 Influence Analysis of Atmospheric Load Change on Position of CORS and Its Removal Study
WANG Haitao;NIE Jianliang;TIAN Jie;WANG Wei;GUO Xinwei;JIN Xinyang;TAI He;CHENG Xiawei
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1159-1164 [Abstract] ( 1166 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (7033 KB)   ( 1746 )
1165 Initial Evaluation of Beidou-3 Satellite Data Quality and Single System Precise Orbit Determination
ZENG Tian;JIA Xiaolin;SUI Lifen;XIAO Guorui;TIAN Yijun;Lü Zhipeng
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1165-1170 [Abstract] ( 1255 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (7570 KB)   ( 1960 )
1171 Application Test of iGMAS Integrated Products Based on PPP
JIAO Guoqiang;SONG Shuli
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1171-1177 [Abstract] ( 1216 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4852 KB)   ( 1916 )
1178 Study on the Calculation of the Ground Track Points Based on GCRS-ITRS Transform
REN Leliang;XIAN Yong;GUO Yuqi;ZHANG Daqiao;CHANG Yan
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1178-1181 [Abstract] ( 1109 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (2146 KB)   ( 2786 )
1182 The Improved Iteration Method by Correcting Characteristic Value for Transformation of Three-Dimensional Coordinates Based on Large Rotation Angle and Quaternions
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1182-1187 [Abstract] ( 1210 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1501 KB)   ( 2180 )
1188 Universality Verification of Random Error Compensation Method for MEMS Gyroscope with Kalman Filter
SUN Wei;SONG Ruyi;WANG Yuhang;WU Zenglin
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1188-1193 [Abstract] ( 1306 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4903 KB)   ( 2622 )
1194 Research and Application of Reservoir Induced Earthquakes Focal Depth Checking Method
YANG Lei;LI Baohua;CHANG Tinggai
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1194-1197 [Abstract] ( 1167 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (6729 KB)   ( 2199 )
1198 Geochemical Characteristics of Radon and Hydrogen in Soil Gas of South Anyang Fault Belts
WANG Mingliang;HU Ning;GUO Deke;XIA Xiujun;WANG Yu;LI Yuan
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1198-1201 [Abstract] ( 1116 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (5263 KB)   ( 2117 )
1202 Field Selection of Fault Gas Observation Sites at Zhukuang, Maoshan
DAI Bo;WU Xiaofeng;ZHANG Min;MENG Ke
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1202-1206 [Abstract] ( 1076 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (16892 KB)   ( 1725 )
1207 Cable PE Appearance Inspection in the Tianxingzhou River Bridge Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based Aerial Photo Technique
LIANG Yabin;CAI Sijia;FENG Qian;WANG Hao
2019 Vol. 39 (11): 1207-1210 [Abstract] ( 1259 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (2802 KB)   ( 2150 )
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Supported by: Beijing Magtech