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2019 Vol.  39 No.  1
Published: 15 January 2019

1 Estimation Algorithm and Performance Analysis of the Differential Inter-System Bias of BDS and GPS
TANG Weiming,LIU Qian,SHEN Mingxing,DENG Chenlong,CUI Jianhui
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 1235 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4840 KB)   ( 1893 )
7 BDS Velocity Estimation and Performance Analysis Based on Time-Difference Model
WANG Xingxing,TU Rui,HONG Ju,LIU Chongjin,LIU Jinhai
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 7-12 [Abstract] ( 1270 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (11058 KB)   ( 1866 )
13 Precise Orbit and Clock Products for Multi-GNSS System from MGEX and iGMAS
JI Guofeng,YANG Zhiqiang,JIA Xiaolin
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 13-19 [Abstract] ( 1539 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (17209 KB)   ( 1822 )
20 Impact of GPS Antenna Phase Center Variations on Precise Orbit Determination of the GRACE Satellites
CHEN Meng,MENG Ruizu,YUAN Junjun
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 20-24 [Abstract] ( 1233 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (5034 KB)   ( 1719 )
25 Singular Spectrum Analysis Based on Improved Cao Algorithm and Its Application in Beidou Multipath Filtering
YU Bin,YANG Shaomin
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 25-30 [Abstract] ( 1415 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (9836 KB)   ( 1653 )
31 Application of Multi-Quadric Function Based on Ant Colony Algorithm in GPS Elevation Fitting
PU Lun,TANG Shihua,ZHANG Ziping,HU Xinkai,XIAO Yan
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 31-35 [Abstract] ( 1241 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (8384 KB)   ( 1907 )
36 Research on a Feature Extraction Method of GPS/PWV Time Series
HU Guangbao,YE Shirong,ZHANG Yanxiang,XIA Pengfei,XIA Fengyu
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 36-40 [Abstract] ( 1355 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4610 KB)   ( 1676 )
41 Temporal-Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Precipitable Water Vapor in Xinjiang Based on Ground-Based GPS
ZHANG Ningning,ZHONG Ping,DU Wencheng,YANG Zhongrong,CHEN Changfu
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 41-44 [Abstract] ( 1263 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (8114 KB)   ( 1730 )
45 A Total Least Squares Algorithm for Non-Equidistant GM(1,1) Model and Its Ill-Posed Problem
TAO Wuyong,HUA Xianghong,LU Tieding,CHEN Xijiang,ZHANG Wei
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 45-50 [Abstract] ( 1320 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4475 KB)   ( 1845 )
51 An Effective Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Method Using Cost Function Model of L0 Norm
SHI Juan,GAO Jian,ZHANG Chengbin,FEI Xianyun
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 51-56 [Abstract] ( 1079 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (6931 KB)   ( 1854 )
57 A Polynomial Fitting Method Based on Improved Exterior Point Method
WU Tong,ZHANG Yangyang,SUN Yanyan,ZHANG Wandong,LIU Cuizhi
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 57-60 [Abstract] ( 1212 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3044 KB)   ( 1812 )
61 A New Method of Constructing Regularized Matrix
WU Guangming,LU Tieding,DENG Xiaoyuan,QIU Dechao
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 61-65 [Abstract] ( 1410 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3627 KB)   ( 1794 )
66 Hunan 2017 GNSS Gravity Quasi-Geoid Model and Its Precision Analysis
DONG Mingxu,LI Jiancheng,HUA Liangchun,JIANG Weiping,YIN Haohua,AO Minsi,ZENG Xiangqiang
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 66-71 [Abstract] ( 1537 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (8378 KB)   ( 1826 )
72 Research on the Current Active Characteristics of the Middle Tianshan Fault Using Cross-Fault Deformation Data
HAN Guihong,TENG Haitao,GAO Ge, LI Guirong,ZHANG Zhiguang
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 72-76 [Abstract] ( 1056 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (8183 KB)   ( 1672 )
77 Investigation and Mechanism Study of Deformation Anomaly of Xiaguan Fault Site in Northwest Yunnan Province
LI Layue,BO Wanju,CHEN Zongshi,SHAO Desheng,LU Mingyong,WANG Xiaoqiang
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 77-83 [Abstract] ( 1109 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (13104 KB)   ( 1804 )
84 Investigation on Cross-Fault Deformation Monitoring in Shanxi Area
PENG Lijuan,LU Mingyong
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 84-87 [Abstract] ( 1255 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3606 KB)   ( 1678 )
88 Imaging for Shallow Velocity Structure and Buried Faultsin the Southern Margin of Taihang Mountains
XU Zengbo,LIU Baojin,JI Jifa,FENG Shaoying,YUAN Hongke,TAN Yali,WANG Hongwei
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 88-92 [Abstract] ( 1245 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (11406 KB)   ( 1902 )
93 Study on Earthquake Liquefaction Potential of Sandy Soil in Deep Layer Based on Shear Wave Velocity
WANG Wei,LI Heng,XU Lijun
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 93-97 [Abstract] ( 1062 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4464 KB)   ( 1698 )
98 Research on Deformation Prediction Based on LSSVR Optimized by IABC
FENG Tengfei,LIU Xiaosheng,ZHONG Yu,YU Liang
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 98-102 [Abstract] ( 1084 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4009 KB)   ( 1819 )
103 Analysis of Rainfall Interference Characteristics of Xinyang Station Extensometer
YANG Longxiang,XUE Xiuxiu,YAN Wei,WANG Mingliang,YAN Kai
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 103-106 [Abstract] ( 1309 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3197 KB)   ( 1697 )
107 Design and Realization of Automatic Monitoring and Alarm System for Integrated Observation Instruments in Seismic Stations
LI Junchao,ZHAO Rui,WANG Qiuliang
2019 Vol. 39 (1): 107-110 [Abstract] ( 1038 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3439 KB)   ( 1593 )
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Supported by: Beijing Magtech