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2018 Vol.  38 No.  11
Published: 15 November 2018

1101 Precursory Anomalies of Across-Fault Leveling before the Jiuzhaigou MS7.0 Earthquake and Variation after the Quake
ZHANG Xi,JIA Peng,LI Ruisha,HUI Xuhui
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1101-1106 [Abstract] ( 1259 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (11941 KB)   ( 1818 )
1107 Influence and Research on Leveling Deformation Anomaly in Taiyuan Station, Shanxi
WANG Xiuwen,LI Zihong,SHEN Xiaosong,WANG Xia
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1107-1110 [Abstract] ( 1128 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4454 KB)   ( 1898 )
1111 The 2017 Jinghe MS6.6 Earthquake Inversion from Ascending and Descending Sentinel-1 Observations
LIU Chuanjin,QIU Jiangtao,WANG Jinshuo
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1111-1116 [Abstract] ( 1373 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (14012 KB)   ( 1921 )
1117 Study on the Tendency Inversion Genesis of Pangusi-Xinxiang Fault
DENG Xiaojuan,YUAN Hongke,SHI Jinhu,ZUO Ying,JI Tongyu
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1117-1121 [Abstract] ( 1214 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (14411 KB)   ( 1922 )
1122 Land Subsidence Detection Based on PS-InSAR Technology in Northern Area of Langfang City
LI Haijun,ZHANG Yaowen,GU Hongbiao,CHI Baoming,SONG Yang
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1122-1127 [Abstract] ( 1173 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (11149 KB)   ( 2055 )
1128 Deformation Prediction Based on Local Mean Decomposition and Relevance Vector Machine
LUO Yiyong,XU Zhikuan,ZHANG Liting,HUANG Xiaolang,MIAO Yuzhou
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1128-1132 [Abstract] ( 1162 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4432 KB)   ( 1631 )
1133 Evaluation of the Impact of BDS Satellite Failure on Regional Positioning Performance
XU Wei,XU Mei,YAN Chao,WANG Tao
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1133-1136 [Abstract] ( 1062 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (6322 KB)   ( 1772 )
1137 Approach to BDS Antenna Phase Center Correction and Its Influences on Positioning
HU Xinqiao,LIU Wanke,LIU Xiaolei,HU Jie
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1137-1142 [Abstract] ( 1409 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (5975 KB)   ( 1849 )
1143 Double-Parameter Ridge-Type Kalman Filter Based on Signal-to-Noise Ratio Test and Its Application in BDS Combined Orbit Determination with Satellite-Ground Observations
LI Hao, GU Yongwei,GUO Shumei,ZHANG Guochao
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1143-1148 [Abstract] ( 1206 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4588 KB)   ( 1745 )
1149 Helmert Variance Component Estimation Considering Quasi Observation of Kalman Filter and Its Application in Combined GPS/BDS PPP
LONG Xin,ZHANG Xianyun,DENG Xiaodong,LI Ting,HU Sihua
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1149-1152 [Abstract] ( 1374 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3767 KB)   ( 1848 )
1153 Analysis of the Impact of SSR Corrections Update Frequency and Interrupt Time Interval in Real-Time PPP
SHE Zhonglun,GAO Yaping,YANG Licai
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1153-1158 [Abstract] ( 1403 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (8411 KB)   ( 1715 )
1159 Retrieval on GPS-LEO Atmospheric Radio Occultation and Error Sources Analysis
ZHANG Jiman,LIN Jian,ZHU Fuying
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1159-1164 [Abstract] ( 1077 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (9311 KB)   ( 1643 )
1165 Evaluation Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris and Its Influence on Positioning Accuracy
HAN Deqiang,DANG Yamin,PANG Hui,XUE Shuqiang,YANG Qiang,ZHANG Longping
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1165-1169 [Abstract] ( 1549 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (8956 KB)   ( 1723 )
1170 Contrastive Analysis of Mesoscale Eddies in the South China Sea: Based on Satellite Altimetry and Satellite Remote Sensing Sea Surface Temperature
LI Huiling,GUO Jinyun,WEN Hanjiang
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1170-1173 [Abstract] ( 1200 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4501 KB)   ( 1658 )
1174 A Comprehensive Radiometric Distortion Correction Method for Side-Scan Sonar Image
WANG Xiao,WU Qinghai,WANG Aixue
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1174-1179 [Abstract] ( 1177 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (11592 KB)   ( 1781 )
1180 An Algorithm of Airborne LiDAR Bathymetric Waveform Simulation Based on Generalized Gaussian Model
WANG Xiankun,YANG Fanlin,ZHANG Hande,SU Dianpeng,DONG Liang,WANG Mingwei
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1180-1185 [Abstract] ( 1199 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4987 KB)   ( 1657 )
1186 Terrain Features Rapid Extraction of Airborne LiDAR
LIU Zhimin,YANG Anxiu,SU Dianpeng,LIU Pan
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1186-1190 [Abstract] ( 1078 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (11738 KB)   ( 1780 )
1191 A Circular Curve Fitting Solution Based on Partial EIV Model
QIU Dechao, LU Tieding, DENG Xiaoyuan
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1191-1195 [Abstract] ( 1151 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3751 KB)   ( 1688 )
1196 Using U Curve Method to Determine the Regularization Parameters of Coseismic Earthquake Slip Distribution Inversion
WANG Leyang,ZHAO Xiong
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1196-1201 [Abstract] ( 1289 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (9222 KB)   ( 1621 )
1202 Analysis of Time-Frequency Characteristics of Four-Components Borehole Stress at Tangshan Station Based on S-Transform
MENG Qingxiao, Lu Jian,LI Jinwu,WANG Lili,LI Hao
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1202-1206 [Abstract] ( 1130 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (8393 KB)   ( 1605 )
1207 Elevation on Zero Drift Stability of CG-5 Gravimeter
DENG Youmao,WANG Zhenliang,DING Weizhong
2018 Vol. 38 (11): 1207-1210 [Abstract] ( 1285 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (2843 KB)   ( 1712 )
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Supported by: Beijing Magtech