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2018 Vol.38 Issue.3
Published 2018-03-15

221 Application of sPL Phase in Focal Depth Determination of the Badong M4.3 Earthquake Sequence
DONG Yanjun, WANG Qiuliang, SHEN Xuelin, WEI Guichun
Based on the characteristics of depth phase sPL, aftershock data of the Badong M4.3 earthquake sequence on June 16th, 2017 are selected to constrain its focal depth. Comparing the synthetic seismograms at different depths obtained by the F-K method with the actual waveform, the focal depth distributions are acquired. The results show that the earthquake sequence is dominantly in the depth range of ca. 3-4 km and the error is about 1 km, indicating that reliable focal depth can be achieved by depth phase sPL in the Three Gorges reservoir area.
2018 Vol. 38 (3): 221-224 [Abstract] ( 1367 ) PDF (3128 KB)   ( 2200 )
225 Decollement Structures and Seismic Activity of Badong Area in Hubei Province
WANG Jie, WANG Qiuliang, HUANG Song, WU Haibo, ZHAO Lingyun, CHEN Junhua
Through review of thin crust structure studies in east Sichuan and western Hubei area, along with experimental results of rock mechanics in recent years, this article suggests that there exist four soft layers to form slippage system, including the Triassic Badong group, the lower Triassic Daye group, the lower Permian Qixia group, and lower Silurian Luoreping group. Combined with geophysical detection results of the Three Gorges region, we build a theory model of multilayer decollement in the Badong area.We find that the spatial distribution of seismic activity in this area aligns with the decollement geometry very well, that seismic activity is distributed along the direction of the 3 NE stripping joints in the area and less in the core of the anticline, that earthquakes occurring in the anticline core are less than in the two wings, and larger earthquakes tend to occur in the depths of the two wings. Finally, we believe that the decollement, limestone areas, and the fluctuation of water level are three essential factors of seismic activity complexity in Badong area.
2018 Vol. 38 (3): 225-232 [Abstract] ( 1158 ) PDF (4266 KB)   ( 2232 )
233 Comparative Study of Seismic Sequence of 2014 Zigui M4.7, M4.5 and 2017 Zigui-Badong M4.3, M4.1 Earthquakes
ZHAO Lingyun,WANG Jie, CHEN Junhua, SHEN Xuelin, WEI Guichun

This paper,which compares geological background structure, earthquake sequence and various source parameters, comes to the following conclusions: 1) The 2014 M4.7 and M4.5 earthquakes are related to the northern section of the Xiannüshan fault microscopically and the nearest fault to the M4.3 and M4.1 earthquakes in 2017 is the Zhoujiashan-Niukou fault. 2) The M4.7 and M4.5 earthquakes in 2014 are rich in aftershocks with more than 500 aftershocks recorded. Among them, aftershocks of magnitude 2 and above are recorded 5 times with the maximum aftershock of M2.9 (ML3.5), with aftershocks lasting more than one month. The 2017 M4.3 and M4.1 earthquakes recorded only 160 aftershocks, including 3 aftershocks above level 2 and M2.6(ML3.3) with the largest aftershocks lasting about 20 days. 3) The best focal depth of the M4.7 and M4.5 earthquakes in 2014 is about 7 km. In 2017, the source depth of M4.3 and M4.1 is 3~5 km. 4) The dominant and corner frequencies of the main shocks in 2014 M4.7 and M4.5 earthquakes are not high; the dominant frequency is 1.5~8.0 Hz and the corner frequency is 3.0-8.0 Hz.Levels of the frequency spectrum of M4.3, M4.1 earthquakes in 2017 are mainly distributed at the dominant frequency and the corner frequency is low, suggesting fall or shallow landslide type characteristics.

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 233-238 [Abstract] ( 1274 ) PDF (12053 KB)   ( 1663 )
239 Afterslip Model Following the 2015 Nepal MW7.9 Earthquake Considering Viscoelastic Relaxation Displacements
ZHAO Bin, WANG Dongzhen,TAN Kai,LIU Jingnan,ZHANG Caihong,DU Ruilin, ZHANG Rui, HUANG Yong

GPS data from continuously operating stations both in Nepal and in the southern Qinghai-Tibet plateau are processed and three-dimensional transient postseismic displacements are calculated during the first year after the earthquake. Significant postseismic displacements concentrate in northern Nepal, especially along the national boundaries between Nepal and China. The amplitudes and azimuths of the horizontal postseismic motions exhibit a pattern similar to that of the coseismic offsets. Almost all stations in Nepal record postseismic uplift. Kinematic finite fault afterslip models are constrained using GPS measurements. The preferred afterslip model shows that the afterslip occurred in the down-dip portion of the coseismic rupture with an average slip-depth of 20 km. The maximum depth of the raw afterslip model extends to 30 km. However, subtle afterslip is detected in the shallow portion of the fault. The moment release is estimated to be 8.8×1019 Nm, equivalent to a magnitude of Mw7.3 and approximately 12% of coseismic moment. Then, the residual afterslip model is inverted by using the residual data set between the raw GPS data and viscoelastic models, which is based on lateral rheological structure. The residual afterslip model shows narrower and shallower afterslip located in the downdip of the rupture with an average slip-depth of 16 km. The moment released by the pure afterslip model decreases to 5.7 ×1019 Nm, corresponding to Mw7.2. The afterslip-coseismic moment ratio drops to 8%. Our simple multiple mechanism model not only improves the data fit but also makes the residual afterslip distribution more physically reasonable. Our afterslip models show no slip within the shallow unbroken portion of the fault in the postseismic period, implying it is accumulating elastic strain and will be released through earthquake in the future.

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 239-243 [Abstract] ( 1407 ) PDF (4259 KB)   ( 2266 )
244 Refinement of Regional Quasi-Geoid Using the EGM2008+DTM2006.0 Model
LI Jun,OUYANG Mingda,LI Qi

Concerned with truncation error in the earth gravity field model, we calculate the long wavelength high anomaly by the EGM2008 model, the residual terrain model (RTM) high anomaly by the DTM2006.0, the SRTM model and the residual high anomaly by GPS/leveling control points. The accuracy and computational efficiency of the RTM high anomaly model obtained by using different integral radius combination schemes is studied and compared. Finally, the CGGM2015 model and the GPS/leveling points are used to evaluate the geoid model’s accuracy and to verify the results.

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 244-248 [Abstract] ( 1625 ) PDF (10209 KB)   ( 1826 )
249 Study on the Relationship Between Recent Variation Characteristics of Gravity Field and the Qianguo MS5.8 Earthquake Swarm in Northeast China
WANG Tongqing,ZHAO Yunfeng,CHANG Jinlong,ZHANG Pin,CHEN Zhaohui,ZHU Chuandong

Using mobile gravity measurements from 2010 to 2016 in northeast China, we systematically analyze regional gravity field changes and variation characteristics of gravity before and after the 2013 Qianguo MS5.8 earthquake swarm. The results show that the inter-annual and dynamic changes of gravity present NW and near NS direction in the study area, which differs from the structural framework of NE and NNE direction. This suggests that the variation of gravity field is weak in structure control. Generally, gravity changes are relatively gentle in northeast China, with rarely more than 60 μGal gravity gradient zone. This phenomenon shows that the level of underground structural activity and material migration is relatively stable in an indirect way. There are obvious gravity variation characteristics during the process of the earthquake preparation before the Qianguo MS5.8 earthquake swarm and the Tongliao MS5.3 earthquake. These cause continuous accumulation of seismic energy and the occurrence of earthquake rupture. The shock recovery adjustment of the gravity field after the earthquakes will take three or more years.

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 249-253 [Abstract] ( 1281 ) PDF (13269 KB)   ( 1921 )
254 GLDAS_NOAH_M.2.1 Hydrological Model and Its Application Analysis in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
QIAN An,YI Shuang,SUN Guangtong,WANG Qiuling,SU Zhandong

A new GLDAS_NOAH_M.2.1 land water model and its old version of GLDAS_NOAH_M.001 from January 2003 and June 2016, totally 162 months, are investigated here with GRACE satellite gravimetry observations to study soil moisture and total mass change in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Our result shows that GLDAS_NOAH_M.2.1 has an improved precision in simulating soil moisture change. Here, 6 study regions are divided and in each region these three data sets are used to estimate mass changes, whose correlation coefficient and periodic terms are derived. Compared with GLDAS_NOAH_M.001, GLDAS_NOAH_M.2.1 has a better performance in correlation with GRACE in terms of periodic variations. The correlation between GLDAS_NOAH_M.001 and GRACE is very poor in northern Tibet, while GLDAS_NOAH_M.2.1 has improved this condition. In terms of secular mass change, GLDAS_NOAH_M.2.1 brings a difference at the order of -6.4~4.5 Gt/a in different regions and a total different of -10.4 Gt/a in the main part of Qinghai-Tibet plateau.

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 254-259 [Abstract] ( 1334 ) PDF (8331 KB)   ( 2108 )
260 Indirect Impact of Geoid Undulation on Calculation of International Geomagnetic Reference Field
HU Zhengwang,DU Jinsong,CHEN Chao
When calculating the main field using the international geomagnetic reference field(IGRF) model, the height above the mean sea level, instead of the geodetic height, is utilized and the corresponding indirect impact of the geoid undulation is often ignored. Through global practical computation, the results show that neglecting the geoid undulation will introduce the errors of -2.37~1.59 nT, -0.51~0.33 nT, -1.95~2.09 nT, -2.37~1.59 nT, and -2.39~1.82 nT for the north, east, vertical and horizontal components and total intensity of the main field on the Earth’s surface, respectively.
2018 Vol. 38 (3): 260-262 [Abstract] ( 1233 ) PDF (4488 KB)   ( 2133 )
263 Performance Analysis of GNSS RTK Algorithm Based on Partial Ambiguity Resolution in Urban Dynamic Environments
HU Nannan, ZHANG Hongping, LI Tuan, XIE Lantian

The availability of the current GNSS RTK algorithm in the city environment is still low and can rarely meet centimeter level positioning accuracy of observation epochs, especially under dynamic conditions. This paper attempts to apply the partial ambiguity fixing algorithm to the city dynamic environment GNSS RTK positioning. This can speed up ambiguity search efficiency and increase the available high precision positioning of the number of epochs. The vehicle borne data in the urban environment is used to verify the availability of the partial ambiguity fixing algorithm.The test results prove that the algorithm can significantly improve the ambiguity fixing rate and increase the number of epochs of cm level positioning in urban environments. 

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 263-267 [Abstract] ( 1511 ) PDF (3484 KB)   ( 2450 )
268 Study of a Modified Method for Beidou Triple-Frequency Long-Baseline Ambiguity Fixed Algorithm
ZHUANG Wenquan,WANG Li, HAO Ming, CUI Duxin

Aiming at overcoming the difficulties of using TCAR method to fix ambiguity of Beidou triple-frequency long-baselines, we propose a sliding window method to fix the ambiguity of EWL, WL and NL. In long baselines, according to the experimental analysis of the relationship between window size and ambiguity successful rate, the ambiguity successful rate is mainly affected by ionospheric and tropospheric delays. Therefore, we use the sliding window method to fix EWL and WL ambiguities, the GIF-TCAR method to calculate NL ambiguity, at the same time using the sliding window method to fix NL ambiguity. The results indicate that this method can be used in BDS triple-frequency processing for real-time navigation and positioning.

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 268-272 [Abstract] ( 1243 ) PDF (3323 KB)   ( 2376 )
273 Accuracy Analysis of Carrier Phase Observation Based on Triple-Frequency GIF Combinations
XIN Guodong,HUANG Lingyong,HUANG Zhiyong

GNSS triple-frequency is advantageous in reducing observation errors, so this paper advances a new algorithm of fast carrier phase observation accuracy estimation. Based on the assumption that GNSS triple-frequency carrier observations are independent, we use sliding polynomial fitting to get the observational precision of triple-frequency carrier GIF(Geometry-Free Ionosphere-Free)  combinations. GPS and BDS triple-frequency experimental data results show that the algorithm can be used to quickly estimate the triple-frequency carrier phase observation precision, so it can provide a fast and accurate random function model for single precise point positioning.

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 273-275 [Abstract] ( 1137 ) PDF (1697 KB)   ( 2144 )
276 Analysis of BDS/GPS Integrated Kinematic Difference Positioning Algorithm in Multi-Occlusion Environment
WANG Yunpeng,SHI Bo,WANG Shengli,LIU Mengkui,ZHANG Qian, GAO Yan

The integrated BDS/GPS kinematic differential positioning algorithm is studied, and we analyze the benefit of the BDS signals on the ambiguity resolution. Experiments are conducted based on the kinematic measurements collected from the regions with serious signal occlusion. Test results show that BDS/GPS integration increases the number of the visible satellites, strengthens of the geometric structure and improves the success rate and reliability of ambiguity resolution. In addition, the positioning accuracy is 8 mm with the GPS/BDS integration in the horizontal direction, and 16 mm in the vertical direction. For GPS alone, the positioning accuracy is 3 cm and 8 cm, respectively.

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 276-281 [Abstract] ( 1231 ) PDF (2263 KB)   ( 1970 )
282 Impact of Pseudo-Stochastic Pulse Parameters on BDS Satellite Orbit Determination
ZHANG Rui,TU Rui,LU Xiaochun,HUANG Guanwen,WANG Le,QU Wei

The BDS satellites have yaw attitude maneuver periods and may run in the shadow. These states reduce the orbit determination precision of the dynamic model. In view of the above problem, we use the dynamic orbit determination method, in which pseudo-stochastic pulse parameters are estimated together, to calculate BDS satellite orbits. We analyze the impacts of the pseudo-stochastic pulse parameters estimation schemes on the different estimation intervals of parameters on the orbit determination precisions of BDS satellites’ different statuses, including normal status, yaw attitude maneuver status, and shadow running status. The results show that under the normal status, the precision of GEO satellite orbit determination is improved significantly by the pseudo-stochastic pulse parameters. The estimated interval of the pseudo-stochastic pulse parameters is in good agreement with all kinds of satellite operation periods. For the yaw attitude maneuver status and the shadow running status, the pseudo-stochastic pulse parameters, estimated every 6 hours, are helpful to improve the orbit determination precision of the corresponding satellites.

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 282-286 [Abstract] ( 1259 ) PDF (2178 KB)   ( 2074 )
287 Analysis of BDS RAIM Availability in NPA Considering GEO Satellite Orbit Maneuver
FAN Lihong,ZHANG Qin,HUANG Guanwen,WANG Li, ZHENG Zengji

The RAIM(receiver autonomous integrity monitoring) availability effect in the Asian-Pacific region at non-precision approach(NPA) caused by each GEO satellite is counted using the RAIM availability adjustment method. Results show that the maximum availability differences affected by GEO satellites are 07∶00~08∶00 and 15∶00~16∶00, but the influence of each GEO is different. The orbit control periods of 14∶00~23∶00 for GEO C04 and 00∶00~05∶00 for GEO C05 make system availability lower than 99.9%, mainly caused by the designated position of the two GEO satellites and the regression cycle of MEO satellites. In addition, in order to reveal the availability improved by the new C13, which is an initial operational capability IGSO satellite, availability before and after having the BDS C13 satellite are obtained. It can be seen that the average RAIM availability reaches 99.99% after enabling the C13 satellite.

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 287-292 [Abstract] ( 1330 ) PDF (5893 KB)   ( 2026 )
293 The Effect of the Subdaily Periodic Signal on the Long Period Term of GNSS Coordinate Time Series
LIU Xingwei,XI Ruijie

The influence of the subdaily signal represented by the multipath on the characteristics of the short baseline time series is evaluated in this paper. Results show that multipath will introduce spurious signals for a long period with amplitude 0.1~0.3 mm in the height direction, but little in the plane direction. Unmodeled elevation-dependent subdaily signals will introduce spurious long period signals to the daily coordinate time series in the direct component, but the spurious amplitude can be decreased by increasing the cutoff of elevation properly.

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 293-298 [Abstract] ( 1295 ) PDF (3622 KB)   ( 2108 )
299 Determining Reasonable Time Resolution of Zenith Tropospheric Delay Products
LIU Zhiping, ZHU Dantong, ZHANG Qiuzhao, WANG Jian
The tropospheric delay is an important GNSS error source. To reduce this error, the zenith tropospheric delay (ZTD,with 5 min, 1 h, and 2 h time resolution) produced by IGS analysis centers is widely used for satellite navigation and positioning. However, the reasonable or normalized time resolution of ZTD product treated as one data resource is lacking in theoretical and experimental research. On one hand, high time resolution can improve the modeling accuracy of related applications. On the other hand, it could lead to both large redundant data for storage and time consuming for processing when modeling accuracy approaches nominal accuracy. Thus, the reasonable time resolution of ZTD should be investigated by understanding the advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, this paper analyzed the variation of the ZTD in detail using the epoch-differenced method and interval fitting method. Secondly, the periodicity of the 5-min ZTD was analyzed using L-S spectrum analysis. Then, the singular value decomposition algorithm was employed to extract the singular value ratio of ZTD data matrix with different time resolution and determine the reasonable time resolution of the ZTD products. Finally, it was suggested that the reasonable time resolution is normalized by 30 minutes. The results can also be used as reference for the international GNSS service(IGS).
2018 Vol. 38 (3): 299-304 [Abstract] ( 1370 ) PDF (1480 KB)   ( 2233 )
305 Accuracy Analysis on GPS Precipitable Water Vapor Inversion Using GPT2 Models
LIU Zhimin,LI Fei,GUO Jinyun,LI Yangyang

The meteorological parameters (air temperature and air pressure) estimated by GPT2 are analyzed and assessed using adjacent radio stations in the area of Shandong province. Further, GPT2 model is applied to SDCORS precipitable water vapor inversion. The research shows that the average deviation of air temperature and air pressure estimated by the GPT2 model are -1.61 ℃ and 0.53 Pa, the average standard deviation is 2.84 ℃ and 4.42 Pa, and the mean root mean square error is 3.27 ℃ and 4.49 Pa, respectively. Additionally, the mean deviation of SDCORS/PWV is 1.22 mm, the mean value is 3.05 mm, the mean square error is 3.46 mm, which is higher than that of GPT model, and the reliability is strong. For CORS stations without meteorological sensors, based on the GPT2 model to estimate the temperature and pressure, it is helpful to use the regional CORS to invert the precipitable water vapor, and to further effectively monitor and forecast the atmospheric precipitable water.

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 305-309 [Abstract] ( 1232 ) PDF (2341 KB)   ( 2297 )
310 Research on Coordinate Transformation Method Introducing Datum Rotation Center
MA Xiaping,LIN Chaocai, SHI Yun

In a regional plane coordinate system, due to strong correlations between coordinate vectors in the coordinate systems, the matrix of normal equations creates severe ill-conditioning in the coordinate transformation, and leads to unreliable transformation parameters between the coordinate systems. The ill-conditioning of the transformation coefficient matrix is solved by introducing datum rotation center in the plane coordinate transformation model, and reliable coordinate transformation parameters are obtained. This method is validated with practical data.

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 310-314 [Abstract] ( 1467 ) PDF (1480 KB)   ( 2121 )
315 Method and Application Research on Vision Measurement for Deformation Monitoring
XING Lei,DAI Wujiao

For the shortcomings of shorter monitoring distance and low-level automation in vision measurement, we propose a deformation monitoring method based on shape matching, edge and region detection of the target. We design a monitoring mark suitable for the method, as well as corresponding algorithms. We choose SLR cameras to carry out experiments, and use continuous shooting smooth method and matching correction technology. We weaken measurement errors caused by environmental factors and reflector and shutter mechanical movement of camera. The visual deformation monitoring software is developed with VS2015 and QT programming platforms and C++ programming language. Long-term monitoring experiments are carried out. Our research is helpful for considering the feasibility, validity and monitoring precision of deformation monitoring method based on visual measurement.

2018 Vol. 38 (3): 315-320 [Abstract] ( 1377 ) PDF (3228 KB)   ( 2447 )
321 InSAR Unwrapping Error Detection Method Study Based on Closed Loops
WANG Xiaying,ZHAO Chaoying, LIU Yuanyuan, GU Shouzhou
Normal difference interferograms record phases with an un-integer cycle. An unwrapping procedure is needed to recover the true ground deformation. Due to external factors, such as earthquake occurrence and fault effect, the interferograms are vulnerable to unwrapping error. The positioning of the errors is vital to further computation. This paper, based on Sentinel-1A data, proposes a checking unwrapping error method with multiple closed loops of interferograms. It takes Mexico city as the study area. Its good consistency represents better results.
2018 Vol. 38 (3): 321-325 [Abstract] ( 1149 ) PDF (7560 KB)   ( 1862 )
326 Design and Implementation of MapSIS Mapping System Based on GMT
LIU Zhumei,LIU Jian,LI Shengle,GUO Qiqian
In this study, genetic mapping tools (GMT) was used to provide graphic interfaces for seismic conventional products, by visual human-computer interaction. Then, the GhostScript API was implemented for reading Postscript files and a number of format transition interfaces were also developed to join MapInfo environment. Our method can further improve the applicability and practicability of MapSIS system.
2018 Vol. 38 (3): 326-330 [Abstract] ( 1179 ) PDF (3205 KB)   ( 2445 )
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Supported by: Beijing Magtech