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2017 Vol.  37 No.  12
Published: 15 December 2017

1211 Gravity Non-Tidal Variation Characters before the Cangwu MS5.4 and Hutubi MS6.2 Earthquakes
WANG Xinsheng,HAN Yufei,WEI Jin
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1211-1213 [Abstract] ( 1198 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1560 KB)   ( 2288 )
1214 Gravity Variations before and after the M8.1 Nepal Earthquake Observed by the GRACE
QU Wei,AN Dongdong,XUE Kang,ZHANG Qin,WANG Qingliang,WANG Dong
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1214-1218 [Abstract] ( 1311 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (6479 KB)   ( 2473 )
1219 Preliminary Study of Macro and Micro Phenomenon of Late Quaternary New Activities on Xujing Segment,Tancheng-Lujiang Fault Zone
ZHENG Haigang,YAO Daquan,ZHAO Peng,YANG Yuanyuan,WANG Xingzhou,SHU Peng
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1219-1223 [Abstract] ( 1155 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (19073 KB)   ( 1749 )
1224 The Crustal Shallow Texture and Structure of Changyuan Fault Depression:Results of Seismic Reflection Profile
HUA Xinsheng,DENG Xiaojuan,JI Tongyu
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1224-1228 [Abstract] ( 1296 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (8319 KB)   ( 2154 )
1229 Study on the Characteristics of Earthquake Clustering in North China Based on the Nearest-Neighbor Distance
WANG Peng,ZHENG Jianchang,LI Xiaohong,XU Changpeng
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1229-1233 [Abstract] ( 1353 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (12426 KB)   ( 1992 )
1234 The Application of Optimal Combination Forecasting Model in Bridge Deformation Prediction
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1234-1238 [Abstract] ( 1473 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1266 KB)   ( 2255 )
1239 Multi Output Slope Deformation Model Based on Multi-Output Relevance Vector Machine
LUO Yiyong,YAO Yibin,WANG Ya
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1239-1242 [Abstract] ( 1232 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1067 KB)   ( 2229 )
1243 A New Method of Variable Weight Combination Forecasting Based on Entropy Weight and IOWGA Operator
YANG Jianwen,SHAO Desheng,WANG Zhimin,JIN Mingpei,HE Yingwen,WANG Yan,HONG Min,MAO Yan
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1243-1247 [Abstract] ( 1569 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1994 KB)   ( 2173 )
1248 EMD for Noise Reduction of GPS Time Series
ZHANG Shuangcheng,HE Yuefan,LI Zhenyu,HOU Xiaowei,QU Wei,NAN Yang
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1248-1252 [Abstract] ( 1432 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (7387 KB)   ( 2077 )
1253 The Multi-Baseline Solution Based on Partial Ambiguity Fixing
WANG Jian,XIANG Changgan
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1253-1256 [Abstract] ( 1257 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (2832 KB)   ( 2446 )
1256 Ambiguity Resolution of GPS/GLONASS Based on Single Difference between Stations
LIU Huimin,WANG Zhenjie,OU Jikun,WU Huisheng
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1256-1262 [Abstract] ( 1152 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3504 KB)   ( 2385 )
1263 Precise Orbit Determination for Beidou-3 Experimental Satellites and Its Impact on PPP
GUO Huijun,GUO Jing,ZHAO Qile,WANG Chen
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1263-1267 [Abstract] ( 1396 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (5446 KB)   ( 2352 )
1268 A Calculation Method of BDS Real-Time Orbit Correction Parameters
ZHANG Rui,TU Rui,LU Xiaochun,WANG Le,YAN Xingyuan,WANG Jin
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1268-1271 [Abstract] ( 1308 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1595 KB)   ( 2585 )
1272 Study on the Process Method of Tropospheric Delay with GPS Dynamic Monitoring for Super High-Rise Building
CAO Yuanzhi,HUANG Changjun
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1272-1275 [Abstract] ( 1151 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1626 KB)   ( 2490 )
1276 A Direct Solution of Three-Dimensional Space Coordinate Transformation Based on Dual Quaternion
MA Taofeng,LU Xiaoping,LU Fengnian
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1276-1280 [Abstract] ( 1514 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1145 KB)   ( 3932 )
1281 The New Algorithm for Multivariate Weighted Total Least Squares
WANG Qisheng
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1281-1284 [Abstract] ( 1350 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1262 KB)   ( 2604 )
1285 Study on the Post-Seismic Deformation Mechanism Caused by the MW9.0 Japan Earthquake Based on the GPS Observation
LIANG Ming,WANG Wuxing
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1285-1290 [Abstract] ( 1485 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4459 KB)   ( 2655 )
1291 Research on Arctic Sea Ice Freeboard Derived from ICESat/GLAS
CHEN Guodong,LI Jiancheng,HUANG Tian
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1291-1296 [Abstract] ( 1288 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4846 KB)   ( 2311 )
1297 Using Observed Data of BB Channel of the JCZ-1T Seismometer to Detect Earth’s Free Oscillations
ZHANG Jiamin,ZHANG Xiaofei
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1297-1301 [Abstract] ( 1240 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (2084 KB)   ( 2162 )
1302 Sequence Analyses and Wavelet Spectrum Characters of Co-Seismic Deformation Wave Record in Fujian-Guangdong Area
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1302-1307 [Abstract] ( 1276 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4032 KB)   ( 2175 )
1308 Asymmetric Sensor Based on Seismic Intensity Instrument for Earthquake Early Warning and Seismic Intensity Rapid Reporting
FU Jihua,WANG Xu,GUO Yunkai,LI Zhitao,TAN Qiao,WANG Jianjun
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1308-1312 [Abstract] ( 1149 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1669 KB)   ( 2189 )
1313 Analysis Disturbance Characteristics from Air Pressure Change and Mathematical Correction of SS-Y  Tensometer
FAN Dong,YIN Chuanbing,LI Jingsheng,DING Yu,XU Qinghua
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1313-1316 [Abstract] ( 1229 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (6315 KB)   ( 2235 )
2017 Vol. 37 (12): 1317-1320 [Abstract] ( 1065 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1061 KB)   ( 1858 )
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Supported by: Beijing Magtech