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2017 Vol.  37 No.  11
Published: 14 November 2017

1101 Analysis of Horizontal Deformation along the Shanxi Fault Zone by GPS Measurement
WANG Xiuwen,YANG Guohua
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1101-1104 [Abstract] ( 1104 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (10643 KB)   ( 2205 )
1105 Basic Solutions for Spherical Dislocation Theory
ZHOU Xin,SUN Wenke
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1105-1111 [Abstract] ( 1186 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (938 KB)   ( 2306 )
1112 Research on the Far-Field GPS Co-Seismic Displacement Deformation: The 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake (Mw 9.0)
YANG Junyan,YI Shuang,SUN Wenke
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1112-1117 [Abstract] ( 1213 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3964 KB)   ( 2277 )
1118 Subsurface Density Change in North China from 2009 to 2013 and Its Implication on Crustal Movements
HAN Meitao,XUAN Songbai,ZHANG Yongqi,CAO Jianping,ZHENG Zengji
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1118-1120 [Abstract] ( 1216 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (2894 KB)   ( 1797 )
1121 Creep-Meter Observation and Earthquakes along the Xianshuihe Fault Zone
LI Layue,HU Leyin,MA Lingli,SONG Chengke
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1121-1125 [Abstract] ( 1227 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (6963 KB)   ( 2040 )
1126 Inversion of the Love Wave in the SH Wave Reflection Seismic Data for the Shallow SH-Wave Velocity Structure
DENG Xiaojuan,FENG Shaoying,ZUO Ying,HE Yinjuan,JI Tongyu
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1126-1130 [Abstract] ( 1175 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4766 KB)   ( 2655 )
1131 Assessment of Seismic Risk of Weakly Active Faults in Weak Seismic Background Region: Taking Danjiang Fault as an Example
LIAO Wulin,ZHANG Lifen,LI Jinggang,LIAN Chao,KONG Yuyang,WU Jianchao
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1131-1135 [Abstract] ( 1255 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1215 KB)   ( 2373 )
1136 Analysis of Cross-Fault Deformation Using Particle Filter
ZHENG Hongyan,TIAN Xiao,ZHANG Chao,WANG Shijin,XU Mingyuan
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1136-1140 [Abstract] ( 1165 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (8724 KB)   ( 1728 )
1141 Depth Present-Day Movement in the Mid-Eastern Segment of the Haiyuan Fault Zone Based on InSAR
SUN He,XU Jing,LIU Haoyuan
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1141-1145 [Abstract] ( 1155 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (7238 KB)   ( 1987 )
1146 Effects of Fog and Haze Weather on GPS Zenith Tropospheric Delay and Precise Point Positioning
WEI Erhu,YANG Zhixin,LIU Xuexi,SUN Langlang
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1146-1149 [Abstract] ( 1174 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (2781 KB)   ( 2157 )
1150 Influence of Elevation Masking Angle and System Integration on GNSS PPP Precision
LI Fangchao,WANG Hao,GAO Jingxiang,LI Zengke
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1150-1155 [Abstract] ( 1248 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3163 KB)   ( 2520 )
1156 Perturbation Forces Analysis for Spacecraft of Different Orbit Altitudes
HE Lina
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1156-1160 [Abstract] ( 1260 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (2413 KB)   ( 2639 )
1161 Influence of Cross-Link Configuration to Auto-Navigation’s Precision
GONG Xiaoying,XU Shaoguang,FENG Wei
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1161-1165 [Abstract] ( 1217 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1525 KB)   ( 2044 )
1166 A Triple-Frequency TECR Cycle-Slip Processing Algorithm under Ionospheric Active Conditions
ZHOU Haitao,CHENG Shuyang,WU Lin
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1166-1172 [Abstract] ( 1144 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (2764 KB)   ( 2138 )
A New Algorithm of Cycle Slip Real-Time Detection and Repair Based on Un-Differenced Dual-Frequency GNSS Carrier Phase Data
A New Algorithm of Cycle Slip Real-Time Detection and Repair Based on Un-Differenced Dual-Frequency GNSS Carrier Phase Data[J]. Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2017,37(11): 1173-1177>')" href="#"> YANG Yangyang,LIU Ning,ZHANG Yongzhi
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1173-1177 [Abstract] ( 1152 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1200 KB)   ( 2187 )
1178 A New Method to Predict Pole Shift Based on the Correlation Between PMX and PMY
WANG Zhiwen,WANG Qianxin,HE Yilei,HU Chao
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1178-1182 [Abstract] ( 1243 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (2109 KB)   ( 2072 )
1183 Time Efficiency Comparison and Analysis of Three GNSS Ambiguity Decorrelation Algorithms
SU Mingkun,ZHENG Jiansheng,YANG Yanxi,FANG Weidong
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1183-1186 [Abstract] ( 1192 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3067 KB)   ( 1938 )
1187 Research on Improved CLAMBDA Method with Baseline Length Constraint
LIU Huimin,WANG Zhenjie,OU Jikun
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1187-1192 [Abstract] ( 1195 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1949 KB)   ( 2267 )
1193 Helmert Variance Component Estimation for Robust Total Least Squares
TAO Wuyong,LU Tieding,XU Guangyu,YANG Shi’an
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1193-1197 [Abstract] ( 1288 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1093 KB)   ( 2474 )
1198 The Application of Seismic Wave in Consolidated Foundation Test
YANG Linfeng,GAO Jie
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1198-1200 [Abstract] ( 1161 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (2818 KB)   ( 1960 )
1201 On the Design of a Geomagnetic and Geodetic Database
ZHOU Kechang,ZHENG Zhijiang,LIU Wenlong
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1201-1205 [Abstract] ( 1131 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1404 KB)   ( 2172 )
1206 Comparison and Analysis of the Results of QOCA and GLOBK Software in High Precision GNSS Network Processing
ZHU Xuan,MIAO Yuewang,YU Liang
2017 Vol. 37 (11): 1206-1210 [Abstract] ( 1390 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3160 KB)   ( 2231 )
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Supported by: Beijing Magtech