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2017 Vol.  37 No.  10
Published: 13 October 2017

991 Crustal Vertical Movement of the West Qinling, Derived from GRACE, GPS and Leveling Data
HAO Ming,WANG Qingliang,LI Yuhang
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 991-995 [Abstract] ( 1573 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (7504 KB)   ( 2615 )
996 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method Used to Invert for Fault Slip from Geodetic Data
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 996-1002 [Abstract] ( 1226 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (5457 KB)   ( 3412 )
1003 Mechanics of In-situ Stress Decoupling Caused by the Activity of Strike Slip Fault: The Case of Northeast Segment of Longmenshan Fault Belt
FENG Chengjun,ZHANG Peng,QI Bangshen,GUO Changbao,MENG Jing,SUN Dongsheng,WANG Miaomiao,NIU Linlin,TAN Chengxuan,CHEN Qunce
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1003-1009 [Abstract] ( 1306 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (10365 KB)   ( 2224 )
1010 Late Cenozoic Tectonic Stress Field of Xigeda Fault
ZHANG Weisong,LU Haifeng
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1010-1014 [Abstract] ( 1219 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (13616 KB)   ( 2248 )
1015 Application of Elman Neural Network in Velocity of Local Area
NIE Jianliang,GUO Chunxi,ZENG Anmin,TIAN Jie,ZHANG Haiping,WANG Bin,CHENG Chuanlu
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1015-1019 [Abstract] ( 1244 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (2447 KB)   ( 2417 )
1020 Shallow Structure Exploration of the MS4.7 Earthquake Target Area in Taikang
TAN Yali,WANG Zhishuo,YANG Zhuoxin,ZHU Guojun,FENG Shaoying,SHI Jinhu
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1020-1023 [Abstract] ( 1190 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (8016 KB)   ( 2089 )
1024 GA-SVR Combined Model for Forecasting Landside Displacement: Study on Based on Phase-Space Reconstruction
LIU Xiaosheng,QIN Zhiqiang
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1024-1028 [Abstract] ( 1249 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1894 KB)   ( 2682 )
1029 The Deformation Forecast Model of Landslides Based on Multiple Factors and Taylor Series
LU Fumin,JIANG Tingyao
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1029-1033 [Abstract] ( 1275 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (951 KB)   ( 2440 )
1033 Prediction of Tunnel Surface Subsidence: Based on Gray Relational-Relevance Vector Machine
ZHANG Liting,XU Zhikuan,LUO Yiyong
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1033-1037 [Abstract] ( 1491 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1260 KB)   ( 2215 )
1038 Improved Wavelet Threshold De-Noising Method Research
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1038-1041 [Abstract] ( 1260 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1322 KB)   ( 2451 )
1042 Derivation of Gravity Anomaly Forward-Modeling Formula of Two-Dimension Inclined Fault within a Finite Length
ZHU Wenwu,QIN Kun,LIU Jinzhao,ZHENG Zhijiang,GAO Yanlong
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1042-1044 [Abstract] ( 1226 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1752 KB)   ( 2661 )
1045 Focus Inversion Method Based on Normalized Source Strength
LI Jinpeng,ZHANG Yingtang,FAN Hongbo,LI Zhining,YIN Gang,DU Yunchao
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1045-1048 [Abstract] ( 1200 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3845 KB)   ( 2525 )
1049 Method of Precipitable Water Vapor Retrieval by Ground-based GPS with Missing Meteorological Data
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1049-1052 [Abstract] ( 1252 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3972 KB)   ( 2442 )
1053 Cycle Slip Detection with Code-Phase Combination and Ionospheric Residual Error
TIAN Yijun,ZHAO Dongqing,ZHU Caijie,YUANG Qiang,ZHANG Liwei
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1053-1058 [Abstract] ( 1307 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1829 KB)   ( 2769 )
1059 Influence of Earthquakes on the Noise Characteristics of IGS Reference Station Coordinate Time Series
YU Xinping,CHENG Yingyan,ZHU Wenjuan,YAO Xiangdong,YAN Zhongbao,JI Siyuan
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1059-1064 [Abstract] ( 1269 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1899 KB)   ( 2597 )
1065 Performance Analysis on Multi-GNSS Precise Point Positioning
ZHANG Shoujian,WANG Wei
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1065-1069 [Abstract] ( 1281 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3396 KB)   ( 2653 )
1070 Research on Time Transfer: Based on BDS Precise Point Positioning and Accuracy Comparison
ZHANG Rufei,LIU Hui,SHU Bao,QIAN Chuang
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1070-1073 [Abstract] ( 1301 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3369 KB)   ( 2314 )
1074 Regional Spatio-Temporal Zenith Tropospheric Delay Modeling Using Principal Component Analysis
YAN Huineng,DAI Wujiao,LIU Bin
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1074-1078 [Abstract] ( 1254 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (1829 KB)   ( 2536 )
1079 Implementation of Data Acqusition and Decode Based on GNSS OEM Board
WEI Rongrong,DAI Taogao,LI Jianwen
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1079-1082 [Abstract] ( 1372 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (3397 KB)   ( 2317 )
1083 Analyses of Temperature Drift in Qinghai Geothermal Network
HE Anhua,DENG Weiping,LI Guoyou
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1083-1086 [Abstract] ( 1081 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (9680 KB)   ( 2123 )
1087 Impact of the MW8.1 Nepal Earthquake on Well Water Level in Mainland China and Its Implications on Earthquake Prediction
REN Hongwei,ZHANG Lei
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1087-1091 [Abstract] ( 1193 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (2869 KB)   ( 2219 )
1092 Analyses of Temperature Drift in Qinghai Geothermal Network
HE Anhua,DENG Weiping,LI Guoyou
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1092-1095 [Abstract] ( 1179 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (5915 KB)   ( 2214 )
1096 Evaluating the Precision of GT-2A Airborne Gravimeter Measurements
WAN Jiakuan,LUO Zhicai,LIU Zhanke
2017 Vol. 37 (10): 1096-1100 [Abstract] ( 1302 ) HTML                   ( ) PDF (4865 KB)   ( 2588 )
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Supported by: Beijing Magtech